We do a Christmas program so that when our children are grown, they have an outstanding memory of sharing the true store of Christ’s coming. They may remember gifts and cookies, family and parties, snow and cocoa. But hopefully, they’ll also remember with great fondness wearing costumes in the sanctuary, singing and sharing the good news that God sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.
Above all, we pray that God will smile as He sees what our children do to honor Him and His gift to us in sending Jesus.
Second to that, we pray that the program is a blessing to our church family and visitors as they hear again the true miracle of Christmas. The program is both by the kids and for the kids. It won’t be perfect or polished, and that’s what makes it perfect.
We’d love for every child to participate in some way! Kids ages 3 years - 5th grade are invited to participate at any level. Whether they simply sing songs or have a speaking part on stage, we want them to own the show and offer it as their gift to God for Christmas.
We do not want this program to add to Christmas chaos.
Your family can participate at any level you choose. Help your child choose a role that won’t add stress or unnecessary complications to your family life. We’ll have just. A few have rehearsals and simple costumes.
First, read the points above. It’s important to know that the goal isn’t a well-polished production, but a heartfelt gift to God from our children.
Next, note the ways to participate below. Considering your child’s personality and availability (practice dates are also on the back, and some roles require some at-home work), select the role your child or children would like to have.
Then, sign-up on Church Center what spots your children want and mark your calendar with all the appropriate dates.
Last, invite your family and neighbors to the program on Dec. 8th! This informal event is perfect for bringing visitors.
Nov. 17, Nov. 24, Dec. 1 & Dec. 8, Sundays, 9:30am - 9:50am
Practice songs together in the Trinity Center (optional).
Wednesday, November 20, 5:15pm
Read-through rehearsal with speaking actors. Bring a sack supper.
Wednesday, December 4, 5:15pm
Rehearsal with speaking and non-speaking actors and Scripture Readers. Bring a sack supper.
Saturday, December 7, 9:30-11:30am
ALL KIDS! Parents, hang out to help or do some Christmas shopping.
Sunday, December 8, 6:30 pm
Children’s Christmas Program with actors and readers reporting by 6pm, and all other children by 6:15pm.
All Kids Sing: 3 year olds through 5th graders will learn and practice traditional Christmas songs for the program on Sunday Mornings, Midweek, and at home. It’s helpful for kids to come to the December 7 rehearsal, but all kids can join in by just showing up at 6:15pm on December 8. Please register on Church Center if you are planning to participate so we can plan accordingly. All kids with other roles will also participate in singing songs.
Acting Role: Actors serve as a narrating role and will have lines that can be memorized or read, and need to be comfortable on stage. They must come to all three practices, and parents need to help them practicing lines. There are a limited number of acting spots. Preference is given to older children who have less Christmas Programs left!
Scripture Reader: No memorization is needed for these roles. Readers must come on December 4 and 7 and practice reading passages aloud at home.
Non-Speaking Part: Non-speaking actors won’t have lines, but should be comfortable on stage. Must come to rehearsals on December 4 and 7. Parts include acting as Adam, Eve, Mary, Joseph, angels, wise men, and sheep.
Artists: If your kiddo is a stand-out artist and this is their thing, let me know and I’ll find a perfect project for them. Must be done by Saturday rehearsal.
Kid Greeters: Greeters offer a friendly smile and a “welcome” to guests the night of the program. It would be helpful to come to the December 7 rehearsal.
Adult Helpers: Contact Jenny or sign-up on Church Center if you can help with sorting and fitting children’s costumes, working with scripture readers, or helping move kids during the program. Most of this work is during the December 7 rehearsal. Other needs are a “Cookie Parent,” and “Costume Room Attendants.”
Questions? Email